Wednesday, August 27, 2014

August 27

You should be able to finish most of 1.1 Homework, There will be some time given in class to finish the rest tomorrow. Section 1.2 Homework is tentatively due Friday.

SAT Prep
If you did not answer your question during the web-quest today, go on the college board website and find the answer. The address is

General Chemistry
Section 1.2 Outline is due tomorrow. If you did not finish your research assignment (finding a chemical reaction that occurs everyday), also finish that. There will be a small amount of time to complete the assignment in class tomorrow.

Basic Skills Quiz tomorrow. We will also work on you lab reports, which are due Tuesday.

ALL CLASSES PLEASE NOTE: I have done my best to keep your grade on CSIU updated this week.  With so many schedule changes, it has been difficult.  If you see a discrepancy in your grade, please see me so we can fix it.

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